United Green Nations - MADE with CARE
  Wednesday, 2025-01-15, 6:29 PM
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     The process of building the UGNs can be accelerated due to the following general measures: economic and regulatory (1-4), organizaton (5), antiassimilation (6), juridical (7), educational and enlightenment (8).

     1. Ecologization of the macroeconomic indicators.

     This step follows directly from the national antifootprinting pledges (Reduce Ecological Footprint Pledges) accepted and their aggregation at the global level.

     2. Selection, articulation and spreading in global scale the most progressive at the current day approaches, tools and practices aimed at reducing the anthropogenic impacts on the environment (reducing ecological footprints).

      In this context, particular attention must be paid on global scaling the most progressive approaches and practices of Sustainable Production & Sustainable Consumption (e.g. Marx et al., 2010, Scholl et al., 2010; Steurer et al., 2010; Stevens, 2010; Wei & Schroeder, 2010). For example, such known practices as the replacement of incandescent electric bulbs, the ban of plastic bags and the choice of low footprinting diets, like hundreds of others, are not widespead.

     3. Ensuring free and open (Free & Open) access of all members of the international community to pro-ecological information and toolsets.

     4. Improving the focus and structure of ecological footprint exchanges (Ecological Footprint Exchanges, EFEs), which can be actualized, directly or indirectly, through the mechanisms of international trade, investments, etc., including the backward revision and redesign of the world trading system and financial system on the basis of positive EFEs.

     Unfortunately, available EFEs have mostly negative content because countries, based on the external resources, are not paying the due attention to the modernization of own productive potential, the optimization of population and consumption level (an example is transforming still eco-proficit Russia into an ignominious raw materials appendage of eco-deficit China).

     5. Crowdsourcing (collective consideration of super-complex problems) and global beehiving (an implementation of socially agreed decisions by collective efforts).

     Therefore, our general motto is Social Activizzm & Global Beehing.

     6. Taking into consideration the national culture, religious, mental and household features.

     For example, the imlementation of low footprint diets must be harmonized with the national food features (Carlsson-Kanyama 1998; Risku-Norja et al., 2009; Wallén et al., 2004).

     7. Strengthening the responsibility for the ecological violations and crimes.

     The most hard approach involves the legal retreatment of ecological crimes (such, for example, as overexploitation of the national productive territories and aquatories) in the acts of ecological genocide with the relevant international sanctions.

     8. Elimination of the global footprinting ignorance.

     This measure must be done through the implementation of appropriate programs, training and practices, taking into consideration the fact that populations of the most countries do not know carbon, thermal, nitrate and other footprints and ways to reduce them  as they know, say, the rules of sanitation or pedestrian movement.

     These eight measures form an easy memorable formula MADECARE or «MADE with CARE» (Macroeconomics, Articulation & Global Scaling, Deproprietarization, Ecological Footprint Exchanges, Crowdsourcing & Global Beehiving, Antiassimilation, Responsibility, Education & Enlightenment).


    All active people and decision makers, who are interested to discuss all problems to build the United Green Nations, to express their opinions and more, are invited to Greeny Tweets group on LinkedIn and United Green Nations group with the same name page on Facebook.


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