United Green Nations (UGNs) is the newest
system of global ecological security and sustainable development.
In general outlines, the concept of UGNs coincides with the concept of One
Planet in the terms of Global Footprint Network (GFN), One Planet Economy
Network (OPEN) and other well known world organizations — however, it demands
the more stringent requirements for pro-ecological modernization of each
country (in form of the Reduce Ecological Footprint Pledges), offering
simultaneously the new approaches, stimuli and tools. The
need in the more stringent pledges, as in the new approaches, stimuli and
tools, follows
according to the results of the plenary session of the United Nations General
Assembly 2010 from an
unconvincing pace of movement of the most countries in fairway of the Millennium
Development Goals 2015, first of all in the context of 7th (environmental sustainability) and 8th (global partnership) goals
of this program.
events at Fukushima NPS, Japan,
must whip global movement towards United Green Nations.
For more information, please visit http://ugn.ucoz.org