Technology & Innovation - United Green Nations
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The work presented in this book is brought together in five substantive
chapters: environmental policy design characteristics and their role
in inducing innovation, the role of public policies (including multilateral
agreements) in encouraging transfer of environmental technologies,
followed by three "sectoral" studies of innovation in alternative fuel vehicles,
solid waste management and recycling as well as green (sustainable) chemistry.

Category: Technology & Innovation | Views: 756 | Added by: nickyurchenko | Date: 2012-01-27

How can governments support eco-innovation when technological options
proliferate? How and why policies to support Carbon Capture and
Storage (CCS) or Combined Heat and Power (CHP) in Canada, France
and Germany differ? The report discusses policies to support eco-innovation
in the variety of national contexts (OECD) and factors such as market structures.

Category: Technology & Innovation | Views: 916 | Added by: nickyurchenko | Date: 2012-01-27

Between 1999 and 2009 on average only 2.7% of all applications for technology
patents under the Patent Cooperation Treaty were for environmental
innovations (OECD Report 2011).
Despite the creation of patent commons
such as the GreenXchange, there have been few breakthrough changes in recent years.

Find more information at More with Less: Scaling Sustainable Consumption and Resource Efficiency

Category: Technology & Innovation | Views: 765 | Added by: nickyurchenko | Date: 2012-01-27

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